Complete List of Valid ICD10 Codes
CMS has posted a complete list of the 2016 ICD-10-CM valid codes and code titles on the 2016 ICD- 10-CM and GEMs web page. The file is named icd10cm_codes_2016.txt. This file will be useful for physician offices and other providers who want to check to make sure that they are reporting all characters in a valid ICD-10-CM code. The codes are listed in tabular order (the order found in the ICD-10-CM code book). This list should assist providers who are unsure if additional characters are needed, such as the addition of a 7th character in order to arrive at a valid code.
CMS Will Allow Non-specific ICD10 codes for 2015
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a set of new policies related to the Oct. 1, 2015 transition to ICD-10. For the first year that ICD-10 is in place, Medicare claims will not be denied, and eligible professionals will not be penalized under PQRS, the value-based payment modifier or meaningful use based soley on the specificity of the diagnosis codes, as long as they are from the appropriate “family” of ICD-10 codes. In addition, CMS will authorize advance payments to physicians should Medicare contractors be unable to process claims as a result of ICD-10 complications. The Agency also announced plans to create a new communication center to monitor and resolve issues as quickly as possible, as well as an “ICD-10 Ombudsman” to assist providers. In a separate announcement, CMS indicated that nationally it accepted 90% of claims from more than 1,200 submitters who participated in CMS’ third round of ICD-10 “front end” (acknowledgement) testing.