What if Everyone Had Medicare?

HC reform cartoonThat is what the world will look like for the anesthesia providers if House Bill HR3200 passes in its current form. After weeks of hearings and closed door negotiations, Democratic leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives formally unveiled their health care reform proposal, H.R. 3200, the “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act,” yesterday afternoon. This historic bill includes a number of important delivery reforms that will expand access to insurance for the uninsured.  Much to the disappointment of anesthesia professionals across the country,  the bill contains provisions expanding Medicare’s flawed payment level for anesthesia services.  H.R. 3200 creates a new government-sponsored insurance option tied to Medicare called the “public health insurance option.”   Payments to providers under this plan would be based on Medicare rates.  Payments for anesthesia services would be based upon Medicare’s unacceptably low anesthesia conversion factor – a payment level calculated to be only 33% percent of commercial/private insurance levels.

Anesthesia professionals should contact their member of Congress Today – ITS EASY … CLICK THIS LINK

Committee action begins on the bill tomorrow.

CMS Posts Decision of Non-coverage on Thermal Intradiscal Pain Therapy

PainSuite_rRecently the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) posted a non-coverage determination for IDET (Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy), a non-surgical alternative treatment for discogenic low back pain.   While a CPT code had been established, reimbursement had not.  Ultimately the agency concluded that “there is insufficient evidence to conclude that thermal intradiscal procedures (TIPs) will improve health outcomes in the Medicare population with low back pain.”  

Obtaining reimbursement codes and valuation for pain treatment is a continuing focus for AAPM on behalf of its members.  As such, to help CMS better understand TIPs, including IDET, and the value of appropriate pain care to patients, AAPM participated in a joint response to CMS with AAPMR, ASA, ASIPP, ISIS, NASS and PASSOR. CMS will post its response to the letter and meeting with a final decision on reimbursement forthcoming.